Porgi Turns 9 Months Old


Porgi Turned 9 Months Old! 

Our happy not-so-little puppy turned 9 months old! To celebrate, we gave him one of his bark boxes! He doesn’t go through them as fast as we have been getting them, so we have been saving them for special occasions. He has grown into a pretty tough chewer and loves trying to figure out how to get the squeaker out of a toy. Fortunately for us, even after he does that Porgi still enjoys playing with that toy. Our puppy has yet to meet a toy he doesn’t like. He does favor some of them more than others or will choose to play with some this week and not the next.


Can I Get the Front?

New development: Porgi has been loving car rides. One of his new favorites has been looking outside to see what is happening with everyone. If he can, he loves to prop himself up so he can look through the window. If you are sitting in the backseat with him, he will 100% sit on your lap to get a better view of the world. Since we take him on long car rides, we got him an attachment that connects to his collar and the seat belt. That way, he can have the whole back seat to himself.


Continuing to Explore New Places

Over the past Saturday, we both had to go into work. Lucky for Porgi, that meant he got to go with one of us to explore new places! These past two weeks, we have been continually increasing his time off-leash and outdoors. With all of the new exploring, our puppy has been as tired as ever. True to 90% of these posts, Porgi is currently sleeping while wrapped in a blanket on the couch.

From our home to yours,

Porgi and his Pawrents (M&M)

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